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The Zeiss 50mm f/2.0 Makro-Planar ZE Macro Lens is designed for analog and digital Canon SLR cameras. The manual focus lens provides a normal perspective and has a minimum focus distance of 9.45" with a maximum magnification ratio of 1:2. The lens is designed with floating elements to ensure high performance across a wide focusing range. As a result, the lens can be used for macro and non-macro applications, making it a versatile standard lens when used with a full frame camera. The high quality performance even at f/2 aperture allows you to throw the background out of focus without compromising the image quality.

Zeiss 50mm f/2.0 Makro-Planar ZE Macro Lens for Ca

    ההשכלה 5 ת"א | טל': 03-6244341 | א'-ה' 00:00-24:00 ו' עד 15:00, שבת שעה אחר צאת שבת |

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