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The DJI Ronin 2 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer Kit with Ready Rig GS and ProArm from B&H gives you full camera stabilization for long-form shooting and event videography. Adapt the Ronin 2 to the Ready Rig using the included adapters and you can comfortably hold the rig for extended periods of time. The rig itself also helps to comfortably place the Ronin 2 in front of you for shooting high or low. See more information on the individual pieces of this kit below.

DJI Ronin 2 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer Kit with Ready Rig GS and ProArm

    ההשכלה 5 ת"א | טל': 03-6244341 | א'-ה' 00:00-24:00 ו' עד 15:00, שבת שעה אחר צאת שבת |

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