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Lightweight, robust, and ready for production, Chrosziel's MB 450R2 Swing-Away Matte Box can complement a wide range of cameras, from smaller camcorders or mirrorless cameras, up to larger cinema cameras and ENG camcorders with an outer lens diameter of up to 114mm (lenses with a diameter smaller than 110mm may require additional accessories for full compatibility). With the included top flag and 16:9 mask, glare from outside the frame can be effectively controlled for improved contrast and reduced ghosting in the recorded image. Further control can be achieved through separately available side and bottom flags

Chrosziel MB 450R2 Swing-Away Matte Box

    ההשכלה 5 ת"א | טל': 03-6244341 | א'-ה' 00:00-24:00 ו' עד 15:00, שבת שעה אחר צאת שבת |

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